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When you don't feel your best,

you can't perform your best.

Let's upgrade your health.

Osteopathy is a natural medicine that integrates the whole person. Osteopathic manual treatment reduces pain and improves function of the body by unlocking the primary restriction, and decreasing tensions or strains in the muscles, fascia, joints and organs

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Meet Andreina Linares

Andreina has a focus in headaches, concussion and migraines. She also works extensively with clients suffering from chronic pain, including the following: 

  • Low back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • TMJ dysfunction

  • Digestive issues

  • Congestion

  • AnxietyStress

  • Dizziness Vertigo

  • Relaxation of the body

  • Promote general wellness


Osteopathy is a manual treatment that integrates the whole person and facilitates the self healing ability of your body. Osteopathic manual treatment reduces pain and improves function of the body by unlocking the primary restriction, and decreasing tensions or strains in the muscles, fascia, joints and organs. One techniques in Osteopathy that Andreina focuses her practice is Craniosacral therapy which addresses the Cranialsacral System.


Craniosacral System is a physiological system that involves the bones of your skull, the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that envelopes and protects the brain and then extends all along the spine covering the spinal cord and ending in the sacrum. Any trauma that affects any of these areas can have adverse effects on the Craniosacral system, creating tensions around the brain and spinal cord. Unfortunately, this can compromise the function of the Central Nervous System and as a consequence every other system in your body.

1.    The body is a dynamic unit of function.

2.    Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.

3.    The body has self-healing, self-defending mechanisms.

4.    Rational diagnosis and treatment will consider the previous three principles

The Basic Priniciples of Osteopathy are:
Principles Osteopathy
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